

Steven Holland


Instructions for downloading files

To download these files, right-click (Windows) or control-click (macOS) on the link. This should open a pop-up menu where you can select something like “Download Linked File”. This will save the correctly named file to where your downloads normally go.

If this does not work and the file still opens in a browser window, copy all the window contents to a text editor and save it to a file with the correct name. Ensure you type the file name correctly, or your code will trigger errors.

Demonstrations and problem sets

Example Vector (exampleVector.txt)

Example Matrix (exampleMatrix.txt)

Air quality (airQuality.txt)

Brines (brine.txt)

Brines 2 (brine2.csv)

Cadmium (cadmium.txt)

Cadmium 2 (cadmium2.txt)

Cadmium 3 (cadmium3.txt)

Carbonates (carbonates.txt)

Femurs (femurs.txt)

Fossil communities (c2.txt)

Gasoline (gasoline.txt)

Geochem (geochem.txt)

Geophysics (geophysics.txt)

Grass (grass.txt)

Growth experiment (growthExperiment.csv)

Kentucky counts (kentuckyCounts.txt), Ordovician marine invertebrate community data

Kentucky sample properties (kentuckySampleProperties.txt), to accompany Kentucky counts

Kentucky taxon properties (kentuckyTaxonProperties.txt), to accompany Kentucky counts

Nashville limestone geochemistry (nashvilleCarbonates.csv)

Paleosols (kahmann.csv)

Plants (plants.txt)

Remediation (remediation.txt)

River gauge (riverGauge.txt)

Temperature sensors (temperatureSensors.csv)

Trilobites (trilobites.txt)

Trilobites 2 (trilobites2.txt)

Trilobites 3 (trilobites3.txt)

Uzon caldera water chemistry (uzon.txt)

Waves (waves.txt)

Waves 2 (waves2.txt)