Lecture Notes



Steven Holland


Today we return to the issue of central tendency. Often, we want to compare more than one pair of means at a time. We may also wish to compare means across many groups when we control for one or more factors. Regression is another form of this question, asking whether changing one variable affects the mean value of another variable. All these situations lend themselves to an ANOVA (short for ANalysis Of VAriance). Despite its name, ANOVA is usually applied to understanding differences in central tendency. It gets its name because it uses variance to address questions about the mean.

How an ANOVA works

A thought model helps to understand how an ANOVA works. Suppose we have a factor that lets us divide our data into several groups (called treatments). For example, we might have grown plants under several types of fertilizer; fertilizer would be considered a factor, and each type of fertilizer would represent a treatment. Factors are categorical variables, in other words, they are nominal or ordinal data.

Let’s also suppose that all the groups come from populations with the same variance, although the means of those populations might be different. If the means of the individual groups are equal, the total variation of all the groups combined will not be greater than the variation within any group. However, if at least one of the groups has a different mean, the total variance will be greater than the variance of any of the groups. This is similar to what an ANOVA does: by comparing variance within and among groups, an ANOVA can test whether the means of the groups differ. An ANOVA uses an F-test to evaluate whether the variance among the groups is greater than the variance within a group.

Another way to view this problem is that we could partition variance, that is, we could divide the total variance in our data into the various sources of that variation. Some of the variance would come from variation among replicates within each group. Some of the variance may also come from variation among the groups. Partitioning variance is an incredibly important concept within statistics. For scientists, it is a useful way of looking at the world: variation is everywhere, and we want to know the relative contributions of all the sources of variation.

An ANOVA makes three assumptions. First, the population must be randomly sampled. Second, each population must be normally distributed. Third, all the populations must have the same variance, that is, they must be homoscedastic. As with all tests, you must demonstrate these are valid assumptions before performing an ANOVA.

The null hypothesis of an ANOVA is that the means of all the populations are equal, with the alternative hypothesis being that at least one of the means is different. Unlike other statistical methods, ANOVA is generally not used for creating confidence intervals. ANOVA is nearly always a p-value approach in which one tests a null hypothesis, specifically that the mean values of all the groups (treatments) are the same (often called the zero-null hypothesis).

One-way ANOVA: testing for one factor

The simplest type of ANOVA is called a one-way ANOVA. We use a one-way ANOVA when we have a single factor or explanatory variable. For example, we may have measured the weight percent strontium in three groups of rocks: basalt, andesite, and rhyolite. We would want to test whether the mean weight percent of strontium is the same for all three rock types.

In a one-way ANOVA, we have two potential sources of variation: among-groups and within-group. The variation among the groups is called the explained variation because rock type will be the factor that accounts for this variation. We also have the variation within the groups, that is, among the replicates within each type of rock, which is called the unexplained variation. It is unexplained in that we cannot identify what produces that variation. For example, we might see that strontium varies among rhyolites, but we do not know why, at least from this data.

ANOVA results are presented in a standard table format. You should become comfortable with interpreting any ANOVA table.

Analysis of Variance Table Response: strontium Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) rocktype 2 2.8350 1.4175 1.4392 0.2753 Residuals 12 11.8189 0.9849

The first column in an ANOVA table lists the sources of variation, with a row for the explained variation (the among-group variation, also called among-treatments variation), here called rocktype. Below that is a row for the unexplained variation (the within-group variation, also called among-replicates variation), here labeled Residuals. Although R omits it, many ANOVA tables add a third row at the bottom that shows the total variation.

The second column (Df) is the degrees of freedom. In a one-way ANOVA, the degrees of freedom for the among-group (explained) variation is m-1, where m is the number of groups. The degrees of freedom for the unexplained (within group) variation is N-m, where N is the total number of observations equal to m x n (provided all the groups have the same sample size, n). The total degrees of freedom is the sum of the first two rows, or N-1. This isn’t shown here because R does not produce this row.

The third column (Sum Sq) is the sum of squares for each source of variation. The sum of squares is the sum of the squared deviations of each observation from the mean. For the among-groups row, this is the mean of each group compared to the mean of all the data. For the within-groups row, this is each observation in a group compared to the mean of that group. Adding sums of squares in the first two rows produces the total sum of squares, again, not shown in R.

The fourth column (Mean Sq) is the mean squares, calculated by dividing the sum of squares by the degrees of freedom within each row. This is therefore a column of variances. The first row is the among-group variance, and the second row is the within-group variance. One could do this for the total row (again, not shown) to calculate the total variance among all the data.

The fifth column (F value) is the F-ratio, with the among-group variance in the numerator and the within-group variance in the denominator. Understanding this F ratio is critical for understanding how an ANOVA works. If there are no differences among groups, the among-group variance will estimate the within-group variance, so their ratio should be close to one. If the means of the groups are different, then the among-group variance will be larger, causing the ratio to exceed one. In an ANOVA, the F-test is a one-tailed (right-tailed) test because we expect the ratio to be close to one if the null hypothesis is true and greater than one if the null hypothesis is false.

R and some other programs add a sixth column (Pr(>F)) that lists the p-value for the F-ratio. This value is the probability of observing an F statistic equal to or larger than the observed F statistic if the null hypothesis is true.

An example

We can use a data set on air quality to demonstrate an ANOVA. In this data set, a pollutant was measured multiple times (replicated) in three cities. As usual, we import the data and run head() to see the variables and their format. To make things easier by avoiding $ notation, we attach() the data frame to simplify accessing the variables.

airQuality <- read.table(file="airQuality.txt", header=TRUE, sep=",") head(airQuality) attach(airQuality)

We should always visualize our data before beginning, partly so that we can evaluate the assumptions of the test. In this case, those assumptions are random sampling, normally distributed data within each group, and equal variances among the groups. A strip chart is useful for evaluating the last two assumptions; knowing that we had a good sampling design that avoided pseudoreplication is how we evaluate the first assumption.

stripchart(pollutant ~ city, pch=16)

Calling stripchart() this way will create a row of pollutant values corresponding to each city. Read pollutant ~ city as “pollution as a function of city”.

strip chart of pollutant values

Notice in the plot that the data at Elberton might be left-skewed, and this might be cause for caution, but the sample size is small. The variation at Elberton may be less than at Athens, so we should test for homoscedasticity as that is an assumption underlying ANOVA. Therefore, we precede our ANOVA with a Bartlett’s test to verify that each group's variances are equal.

bartlett.test(pollutant, city)

Bartlett test of homogeneity of variances data: pollutant and city Bartlett's K-squared = 3.1804, df = 2, p-value = 0.2039

The Bartlett test is not statistically significant (Bartlett's K-squared = 3.2, df = 2, p-value = 0.20), meaning we cannot detect a difference among the variances. We have shown that the assumptions of the ANOVA are valid (random sampling, normal distribution, equal variances), so we can legitimately perform an ANOVA.

Although there are several ways in R to perform an ANOVA, we will first use the aov() function followed by summary() to show the results. This approach is the most informative.

pollutionANOVA <- aov(pollutant ~ city) summary(pollutionANOVA)

The ANOVA output follows the standard format:

Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
city 2 30.01 15.004 12.41 9.59e-05 *** Residuals 33 39.90 1.209
--- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

The results are statistically significant (F=12.4, df=2, 33, p=9.6e-5), meaning we can reject the null hypothesis that the means of all groups are the same.

For convenience in spotting statistically significant results, R will often tag p-values that meet common thresholds with asterisks, and this key is shown at the bottom. p-values less than 0.001 get three stars, those between 0.001 and 0.01 get two stars, and so on. You will often find p-values tagged this way in the literature, but avoid thinking that there is anything special these cutoffs.

Our ANOVA result tells us that at least one mean is different from the others, but it does not tell us which one. From our strip chart, we suspect that Elberton is different from the others, but we need to test that.

To determine which mean or means are different, we should perform a t-test on each pair of cities (called pairwise t-tests; don’t confuse this with a paired t-test) to identify which ones are different. Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) calculates the difference in means of each pair of groups and their confidence intervals. We call the TukeyHSD() function by supplying it with the ANOVA object and the grouping variable (in quotes):

TukeyHSD(pollutionANOVA, "city")

The results look like this:

Tukey multiple comparisons of means 95% family-wise confidence level Fit: aov(formula = pollutant ~ city) $city diff lwr upr p adj comer-athens -0.4083333 -1.5098958 0.6932292 0.6381658 elberton-athens 1.7000000 0.5984375 2.8015625 0.0017321 elberton-comer 2.1083333 1.0067708 3.2098958 0.0001304

The output reports estimates of the differences in means (diff) for each pair of cities and the corresponding lower (lwr) and upper (upr) 95% confidence limits on the difference of means. A p-value (p adj) is also listed for each pair, testing whether that difference of means is non-zero. This is an adjusted p-value in that it corrects for the fact that there are multiple tests; this keeps the overall type 1 error rate at 0.05. Recall that you could also evaluate statistical significance for each row by seeing whether the confidence interval brackets zero (the null hypothesis of no difference in means). Note that R reports far too many significant figures, so that if you included these results in a paper, you would show ones more in line with the data.

From the confidence intervals and the p-values, we can see that Elberton and Comer have detectably different mean values (p=0.00013), as do Elberton and Athens (p=0.0017). Athens and Comer are not distinguishable (p=0.64). Note that the estimates of the difference in means and their confidence limits are reported as the mean of the first city minus the second city. For example, Athens has a greater mean than Comer, so the difference is negative, whereas the positive difference for Elberton and Athens indicates that the mean is greater for Elberton than Athens.

Two other ways to perform an ANOVA

A second way to run an ANOVA is by combining the anova() and lm() functions. The lm() function stands for linear model, which will play a major role when we discuss regression.

anova(lm(pollutant ~ city))

A third way of running a one-way ANOVA is the Welch test, which relaxes the assumption of equal variances in all the groups. The Welch test is run with the oneway.test() command, with the same syntax as the anova() and aov() commands.

oneway.test(pollutant ~ city)

The anova(lm()) combination produces an ANOVA table identical to the aov() approach. The oneway.test() method reports the F statistic, degrees of freedom, and p-value, but no ANOVA table, so it provides less insight.

A significant drawback to both of these approaches is that TukeyHSD() cannot be run on their results as it could for aov(). As a result, the analysis fails to reveal what we most want to know: the differences in mean pollutant levels and our uncertainty in those estimates.

Two-way ANOVA: testing for two factors

We use a two-way ANOVA when we have two factors that categorize our data. In our pollution example, we have not only the city but also the time of day, so we have two factors that are potential sources of variation. Variation within any of our factor combinations (a specific time of day for a particular city) is a third source, which is unexplained variation. The two-way ANOVA makes the same assumptions as a one-way ANOVA.

There are two versions of the two-way ANOVA. The simpler version assumes that there is no interaction effect, that variation in one factor (e.g., city) does not change with respect to the other factor (e.g., time of day). The more complicated version allows for interactions between the factors, such as the time of day having a different effect in some cities than in others. One example of this might be that the pollutant doesn’t vary with time of day in small cities, but it does in large cities. You can test for interactions between factors only if you have replicates for each of your factor combinations, that is, you must have replicates for every combination of region and rock type.

For a two-way ANOVA, you need to have a balanced design, that is, you need to have the same sample size for each factor and each combination of factors. Results from unbalanced designs can be hard to interpret. Balanced design is less of an issue for one-way ANOVA but critical for two-way and multiway ANOVA. Imbalanced designs often result from collecting data before planning data analysis methods or from serious setbacks during data collection.

Think about your statistical analysis when you design the project: if you know that you will use ANOVA, plan for obtaining these replicates for every combination of city and time of data. Moreover, you will want to have the same (or similar) numbers of replicates for each combination. Avoid pseudoreplication.

Running a two-way ANOVA is similar to a one-way ANOVA, except the linear model is pollutant as a function of city and time. The plus sign indicates that there is no interaction term. Read this model as “pollutant as a function of city and time”, not city plus time.

pollutionANOVA <- aov(pollutant ~ city + time) summary(pollutionANOVA)

The interaction effect can be investigated by replacing the plus sign with an asterisk. Read this model as “pollutant as a function of city and time and their interaction”, not as city times time.

pollutionANOVA <- aov(pollutant ~ city * time) summary(pollutionANOVA)

Running the two-way ANOVA with the interaction term produces a familiar ANOVA table. The main difference is that there are now rows for each source of explained variation, including any interactions. Each source of explained variation has an F-ratio and p-value, as there are now multiple hypotheses being tested.

Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) city 2 30.01 15.004 11.576 0.000188 *** time 1 0.52 0.521 0.402 0.530948 city:time 2 0.50 0.250 0.193 0.825474 Residuals 30 38.88 1.296 --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

In this case, the city is a statistically significant source of variation in pollutants (F=11.6, df=2,30, p=0.00019), but time is not (F=0.40, df=1,30, p=0.53). The interaction term is not statistically significant either (F=0.19, df=2,30, p=0.83), meaning pollution does not vary according to specific combinations of city and time.

TukeyHSD() can also be called on a two-way ANOVA by supplying a vector of factors in quotes. Note how the interaction term is specified with a colon.

TukeyHSD(pollutionANOVA, c("city", "time", "city:time"))

The output is voluminous, increasing with the number of factors especially if there is an interaction term. Here, over half of the output focuses on all the interactions. As before, each row provides an estimate of the difference in means for every treatment level (group) within a factor and a confidence interval on the difference in means. The p-value tests for a difference of zero in the means.

Tukey multiple comparisons of means 95% family-wise confidence level Fit: aov(formula = pollutant ~ city * time) $city diff lwr upr p adj comer-athens -0.4083333 -1.5541171 0.7374504 0.6577398 elberton-athens 1.7000000 0.5542162 2.8457838 0.0027083 elberton-comer 2.1083333 0.9625496 3.2541171 0.0002474 $time diff lwr upr p adj morning-evening 0.2405556 -0.5344521 1.015563 0.5309479 $`city:time` diff lwr upr p adj comer:evening-athens:evening -0.3150000 -2.3141907 1.684190729 0.9965545 elberton:evening-athens:evening 1.9833333 -0.0158574 3.982524062 0.0528044 athens:morning-athens:evening 0.4916667 -1.5075241 2.490857396 0.9739666 comer:morning-athens:evening -0.0100000 -2.0091907 1.989190729 1.0000000 elberton:morning-athens:evening 1.9083333 -0.0908574 3.907524062 0.0680536 elberton:evening-comer:evening 2.2983333 0.2991426 4.297524062 0.0169416 athens:morning-comer:evening 0.8066667 -1.1925241 2.805857396 0.8201390 comer:morning-comer:evening 0.3050000 -1.6941907 2.304190729 0.9970411 elberton:morning-comer:evening 2.2233333 0.2241426 4.222524062 0.0224139 athens:morning-elberton:evening -1.4916667 -3.4908574 0.507524062 0.2377338 comer:morning-elberton:evening -1.9933333 -3.9925241 0.005857396 0.0510200 elberton:morning-elberton:evening -0.0750000 -2.0741907 1.924190729 0.9999970 comer:morning-athens:morning -0.5016667 -2.5008574 1.497524062 0.9716069 elberton:morning-athens:morning 1.4166667 -0.5825241 3.415857396 0.2877627 elberton:morning-comer:morning 1.9183333 -0.0808574 3.917524062 0.0658185

Although no asterisks for p-value thresholds are provided in this table, they would be helpful for quickly scanning the table to identify statistically significant (i.e., non-zero) differences in means. The only statistically significant differences in pollutants are elberton vs. athens and elberton vs. comer (top table). Time of day does not cause a statistically detectable difference in pollutant (middle) table. Only two of the interactions generated a statistically detectable difference in pollutant values (bottom table): evenings in Elberton and Comer (p=0.017), and morning in Elberton vs. evening in Comer (p=0.022). Four other combinations have p values close to 0.05.

Two-way ANOVAS can also be run with the combination of anova() and lm():

anova(lm(pollutant ~ city + time)) anova(lm(pollutant ~ city * time))

There are also ANOVAs for more than two factors, called multiway ANOVAs. These can be performed with aov(). The output from TukeyHSD() may be staggering, especially if there are interaction terms.

Regression ANOVA

You can perform an ANOVA on a regression, with the regression being the source of explained variation and scatter around the line being the unexplained source of variation. You can think of this as a variation of a one-way ANOVA, but instead of having discrete groups, you have variation as a function of a continuously varying variable.

The ANOVA for a regression will report an R-squared value called the Coefficient of Determination. This is the ratio of the regression sum of squares to the total sum of squares; the latter is not actually shown in the table. This is also equal to the correlation coefficient squared. The ANOVA also reports an Adjusted R-squared. Since R-squared will always increase as you add regressors (independent variables), an increase in R-squared does not necessarily tell you that additional variables improve the model. The corrected R-squared includes a penalty for additional parameters so that an increase in R-squared is informative: it increases only if the additional parameter explains more variation than expected by chance. Report R-squared when you want to convey the percentage of explained variation. Report the adjusted R-squared when comparing models that have different numbers of parameters.

ANOVA: a final comment

ANOVA is a common statistical test, especially in ecology, but there is a growing backlash against its use because investigators commonly report only a p-value. Moreover, unless one also runs Tukey’s HSD test or something similar in addition, there is no estimate of the mean and no uncertainty on that estimate, and these are what we should be most interested in. As we have seen, statistically significant results can be achieved simply through a large sample size, even when the effect size is small. Many ecologists eschew using ANOVA in favor of methods that estimate parameters and their uncertainty. Not all ecologists agree with this, so tread carefully.

Non-parametric ANOVA: Kruskal–Wallis and Friedman

Like many non-parametric tests, the Kruskal–Wallis and Friedman tests are performed on ranks and are therefore far less influenced by outliers. The use of ranks, however, leads to a considerable loss of power. Both tests assume random sampling; being non-parametric, neither assumes that the data are normally distributed.

The Kruskal–Wallis test is used for one-way analysis of variance. It is performed in R with the kruskal.test() function, with a syntax much like that used in a regression.

kruskal.test(pollutant ~ city)

Two-way non-parametric analysis of variance is performed with the friedman.test() function. No replicates are permitted with the Friedman test. The code below is an example of how to perform a Friedman test in R, although it returns an error with this particular data set because of the replicates.

friedman.test(pollutant ~ city | time)

Background reading

Read Chapter 6 on comparing two samples, performing the code as you read. Focus for now on the t-test, wilcox, and paired-sample pages at the beginning of the chapter. We will not cover the binomial test, the chi-square contingency test, or Fisher’s exact test, but be aware that these exist if you should need them later. The binomial test is useful when comparing proportions, and the chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests are useful when comparing contingency tables. Contingency tables report counts of cases under different combinations of factors; for example, you could make a 2x2 contingency table of master’s vs. Ph.D. degrees for women and men. The null hypothesis would be that the two factors are unrelated.