UGA Stratigraphy Lab

The data is in the strata


Specimen Photo

Hudsonaster sp.
CMNH Collection
Scale bar is 1 cm

Specimen Photo

Hudsonaster sp.
CMNH Collection
Scale bar is 1 cm

Specimen Photo

Hudsonaster sp.
CMNH Collection
Scale bar is 1 cm


Hudsonaster incomptus (Meek, 1872)
Occurrence: Corryville, Arnheim, Waynesville, Liberty, Whitewater, Elkhorn
Reference: James, 1896; Schuchert, 1915; Dalvé, 1948; Spencer and Wright, 1966
Formerly Palaeaster incomptus, includes Palaeaster simplex Miller and Dyer, 1878, Palaeaster clarkei Miller, 1878, and Palaeaster clarkana Miller, 1880.

Hudsonaster shafferi (Hall, 1868)
Occurrence: Fairmount, Waynesville
Reference: James, 1896 (who lists author as Hall, 1866); Spencer and Wright, 1966; Branstrator, 1975; Shackleton, 2005 synonymized Mesopalaeaster with Hudsonaster
Formerly Palaeaster shafferi, Mesopalaeaster shafferi.