UGA Stratigraphy Lab

The data is in the strata


Specimen Photo

Promopalaeaster speciosus
photo from Branstrator, 1979
Scale bar is 1 cm

Specimen Photo

Promopalaeaster sp.

Specimen Photo

Promopalaeaster finei
CMNH 25000
Scale bar is 1 cm

Specimen Photo

Promopalaeaster finei
CMNH 25000
Scale bar is 5 mm

Specimen Photo

Promopalaeaster magnificus
CMNH Collection
Scale bar is 1 cm

Specimen Photo

Promopalaeaster magnificus
CMNH Collection
Scale bar is 1 cm

Specimen Photo

Promopalaeaster magnificus
CMNH Collection
Scale bar is 1 cm

Specimen Photo

Promopalaeaster magnificus
CMNH Collection
Scale bar is 1 cm


Promopalaeaster bellulus Schuchert
Occurrence: Waynesville
Reference: Dalvé, 1948

Promopalaeaster dyeri (Meek, 1872)
Occurrence: Fairmount, Waynesville
Reference: James, 1896; Branstrator, 1975 (mention); Blake and Guensburg, 1994
Formerly Palaeaster dyeri

Promopalaeaster finei (Ulrich, 1879)
Occurrence: Fulton, Economy, Clays Ferry
Reference: James, 1896; Branstrator, 1979
Formerly Palaeaster finei, Mesopalaeaster finei, Mesopalaeaster proavitus

Promopalaeaster exsculptus (Miller, 1881)
Occurrence: Waynesville, Liberty
Reference: James, 1896; Dalvé, 1948
Formerly Palaeaster exsculptus

Promopalaeaster magnificus (Miller, 1884)
Occurrence: Waynesville, Liberty
Reference: James, 1896; Spencer and Wright, 1966; Branstrator, 1975 (mention)
Formerly Palaeaster magnificus

Promopalaeaster miamiensis (Miller, 1880)
Occurrence: Waynesville, Liberty
Reference: James, 1896 (who lists author as Miller, 1885); Dalvé, 1948; Spencer and Wright, 1966; Shackleton, 2005 synonymized Anorthaster with Promopalaeaster
Formerly Palaeaster miamiensis, Anorthaster miamiensis

Promopalaeaster speciosus (Meek, 1872)
Occurrence: Mount Hope, Fairmount, Bellevue, Corryville, Mount Auburn
Reference: James, 1896 (who lists the author as Miller and Dyer, 1878); Schuchert, 1915; Branstrator, 1979
Formerly Palaeaster speciosa, Palaeaster granulosus?;
Includes Promopalaeaster prenuntius, Palaeaster antiquata (Locke, 1846), Palaeaster granulosus Meek, 1872 (not Hall, 1868).

Promopalaeaster spinulosus (Miller & Dyer, 1878)
Occurrence: Waynesville
Reference: James, 1896; Schuchert, 1915; Dalvé, 1948
Formerly Palaeaster spinulosus. Includes Palaeaster longibrachiatus S.A. Miller, 1878.

Promopalaeaster wykoffi (Miller & Gurley)
Occurrence: Arnheim, Waynesville, Liberty, Whitewater, Elkhorn
Reference: Dalvé, 1948