UGA Stratigraphy Lab

The data is in the strata



Bryantodina abrupta (Branson and Mehl, 1933)
Occurrence: Edenian
Reference: Bergström and Sweet, 1966; Sweet, 1979
Includes Plectodina? posterocostata Bergström and Sweet, 1966 and Cyrtoniodus sp. nov. of Bergström and Sweet, 1966
Includes form-species: Ozarkodina? abrupta Branson and Mehl, 1933, Rhipidognathus paucidentata Branson, Mehl, and Branson, 1966, and a prioniodiniform element

Bryantodina staufferi Bergström and Sweet, 1966
Occurrence: Edenian - Richmondian
Reference: Bergström and Sweet, 1966; Sweet, 1979
Includes form-species: bryantodiniform element, ozarkodiniform element, and trichonodelliform element