UGA Stratigraphy Lab

The data is in the strata


Specimen Photo

Glyptocrinus decadactylus
Photo courtesy of Jack Kallmeyer
Scale bar is 1 cm

Specimen Photo

Glyptocrinus nodosus
Photo courtesy of Jack Kallmeyer
Scale bar is 1 cm

Specimen Photo

Glyptocrinus sp. columnals
SMH collection

Glyptocrinus is distinguished by rays that branch twice on the calyx, such that 17–20 free arms exit from the calyx. In Pycnocrinus, the rays bifurcate once on the calyx; the ten free arms immediately branch above the calyx, forming twenty arms.


Glyptocrinus decadactylus Hall
Occurrence: Fairmount
Reference: Dalvé, 1948
Very similar to Pycnocrinus dyeri

Glyptocrinus fornshelli Miller
Occurrence: Waynesville
Reference: Dalvé, 1948
More conical cup than Pycnocrinus dyeri

Glyptocrinus nodosus Kallmeyer and Ausich, 2016
Occurrence: Kope
Reference: Kallmeyer and Ausich, 2016
Has finely nodose sculpture on distal interradials (compared with the strongly stellate sculpture on G. decadactylus) and 17 free arms (compared with 20 free arms in G. decadactylus).

Glyptocrinus sp.
Occurrence: Fulton
Reference: Dalvé, 1948