UGA Stratigraphy Lab

The data is in the strata


Specimen Photo

Carneyella pilea
MUGM 27208
scale bar is 4 mm

Like Isorophus and Curvitriordo, Carneyella has relatively long and curved ambulacra, one of which is curved clockwise. Carneyella is distinguished by the presence of a single series of ambulacral coverplates on either side of each ambulacra, rather than two as in Isorophus, or three as in Curvitriordo.


Carneyella faberi (Miller, 1894)
Occurrence: Clays Ferry, Arnheim, Whitewater
Reference: Bell, 1976
Formerly Agelacrinus faberi; Includes Carneyella vetustus, Carneyella foerstei
Has large, clavate turbercules with rounded distal extremities, numerous on interambulacral and rim plates;

Carneyella pilea (Hall, 1866)
Occurrence: Point Pleasant, Fairmount, Bellevue, Corryville, Waynesville, Liberty, Whitewater
Reference: Bell, 1976; Bell, 1979; Ausich, 1996
Formerly Agelacrinus pileus, Lepidodiscus pileus, Agelacrinites pileus; Includes Carneyella cincinnatiensis, Carneyella nicklesi, Hemicystites curtus, Hemicystites richmondensis, Isorophus germanus, Bassleridiscus mowhawkensis
Has sparse small nodes on exterior of thecal plates

Carneyella ulrichi Bassler and Shideler, 1936
Occurrence: Bellevue
Reference: Bell, 1976
Has large clavate tubercules with acuminate distal extremities, numerous on larger interambulacral and rim plates