UGA Stratigraphy Lab

The data is in the strata


Specimen Photo

Cystaster stellatus
MUGM 29691
scale bar is 0.5 mm

Cystaster is characterized by its relatively small size, its discoidal to clavate theca, and its short, straight ambulacra.


Cystaster granulatus Hall, 1871
Occurrence: Economy, Fairmount, Whitewater
Reference: Bell, 1976
Includes Cystaster ulrichi, Cystaster turgidus
Clavate theca; ambulacra extend beyond upper side;

Cystaster stellatus (Hall, 1866)
Occurrence: Point Pleasant, McMicken, Fairmount, Bellevue
Reference: Bell, 1976; Bell, 1979
Formerly Cincinnatidiscus stellatus, Hemicystites stellatus; Includes Cincinnatidiscus edenensis
Discoid theca; flat upper surface includes ambulacra