UGA Stratigraphy Lab

The data is in the strata


Specimen Photo

Chasmatopora sp.
SMH collection

Specimen Photo

Chasmatopora sp.
SMH collection

Specimen Photo

Chasmatopora sp. closeup of front of colony, showing zooecia
SMH collection

Specimen Photo

Chasmatopora sp. closeup of smooth back of colony
SMH collection
Scale bar is 2 mm

Note that the 1953 bryozoan Treatise lists Chasmatopora as a junior synonym of Subretepora, a trepostome. Anstey and Wilson (1996) list Chasmatopora, as well as the closely related Phylloporina, both members of the Phylloporinina (Order Fenestrida) as occurring in the Ordovician of Ohio. They do not list Subretepora.


Chasmatopora clathrata (Miller & Dyer)
Occurrence: Fairmount
Reference: Dalvé, 1948

Chasmatopora variolata (Ulrich)
Occurrence: Southgate, McMicken
Reference: Dalvé, 1948