Geniculograptus pygmaeus (Ruedemann)
Occurrence: Utica, Kope / Fairview / Calloway Creek, Dillsboro
Reference: Bergström and Mitchell, 1986; Mitchell and Bergström, 1991; Bergström, 1996
Formerly Climacograptus pygmaeus; Includes Diplograptus (Mesograptus) edenensis Ruedemann, 1947
Geniculograptus typicalis posterus (Ruedemann)
Occurrence: Fairview / Grant Lake / Ashlock
Reference: Bergström and Mitchell, 1986
Formerly Climacograptus typicalis posterus
Geniculograptus typicalis typicalis (Hall)
Occurrence: Utica, Kope
Reference: Bergström and Mitchell, 1986; Mitchell and Bergström, 1991; Bergström, 1996
Formerly Climacograptus typicalis typicalis
Geniculograptus typicalis magnificus (Twenhofel)
Occurrence: Utica
Reference: Bergström, 1996
Formerly Climacograptus typicalis magnificus
Geniculograptus typicalis ssp. A
Occurrence: Utica
Reference: Mitchell and Bergström, 1991