UGA Stratigraphy Lab

The data is in the strata


Specimen Photo

Drawing from Bassler and Kellett, 1934

Probably related to Bollia but differing in having the “loop” generally in front of the center and close to the dorsal margin. As a rule a rimlike ridge parallels the outer border of the valves (Bassler and Kellett, 1934).


Jonesites inornatus (Ulrich, 1890)
Occurrence: Economy
Reference: Dalvé, 1948; Bassler and Kellett, 1934
Originally named Placentula inornata

Jonesites marginatus (Ulrich, 1890)
Occurrence: Corryville
Reference: Dalvé, 1948; Bassler and Kellett, 1934
Originally named Placentula marginata