UGA Stratigraphy Lab

The data is in the strata


Specimen Photo

Leperditella? perplexa
Photo from Warshauer and Berdan, 1982
Scale bar is 1 mm

Similar to Aparchites, but the left valve is larger and has a groove within its ventral border into which the simple edge of the right valve is received. A more or less obscure broad depression is generally present in the central part of the dorsal half. Length 1 to 3 mm (Bassler and Kellett, 1934).


Leperditella glabra (Ulrich, 1890)
Occurrence: Whitewater
Reference: Dalvé, 1948; Bassler and Kellett, 1934
Originally named Primitia glabra

Leperditella sp. aff L. tumida (Ulrich, 1892)
Occurrence: Clays Ferry
Reference: Warshauer and Berdan, 1982; Bassler and Kellett, 1934
Originally named Leperditia tumida

Leperditella? perplexa Warshauer and Berdan, 1982
Occurrence: Clays Ferry
Reference: Warshauer and Berdan, 1982