UGA Stratigraphy Lab

The data is in the strata


Specimen Photo

Cyathophylloides stellata
MUGM 5428
scale bar is 0.5 mm

Note presence of septa that extend to center of corallites


Cyathophylloides cf. C. burksae Flower, 1961
Occurrence: Whitewater
Reference: Browne, 1965
Polygonal corallites commonly 3.5 to 4 mm across, up to 5 mm, 10–14 major septa

Cyathophylloides crenulata Flower, 1961
Occurrence: Whitewater
Reference: Browne, 1965
Polygonal corallites averaging 6 mm in diameter, 12–14 major septa

Cyathophylloides magister (Bassler, 1950)
Occurrence: Whitewater
Reference: Browne, 1965
Polygonal corallites ranging from 6–9 mm in diameter, averaging 7 mm, 12–14 major septa

Cyathophylloides stellata (Hall, 1847)
Occurrence: Waynesville, Liberty, Whitewater, Elkhorn, Otter Creek Coral Bed
Reference: Browne, 1965
Simmons and Oliver, 1967 argue for the continued use of Favistina (=Favistella of authors) stellata; includes Columnaria alveolata
Polygonal corallites commonly 5 mm across, 12–14 major septa

Cyathophylloides wellsi Browne, 1965
Occurrence: Arnheim, Waynesville, Liberty, Elkhorn
Reference: Browne, 1965