UGA Stratigraphy Lab

The data is in the strata


Specimen Photo

Diplocraterion biclavatum
SMH collection


Diplocraterion biclavatum (Miller, 1875)
Occurrence: Kope
Reference: Osgood, 1970; Hannibal, 1996
Formerly known as Arthraria biclavata, Corophiodes biclavatum
Displays blind pouches to sides of U-tube

Diplocraterion cincinnatiensis Osgood, 1970
Occurrence: McMicken
Reference: Osgood, 1970
Formerly known as Corophiodes cincinnatiensis
U-tube is broader at base than top

Diplocraterion cf. D. luniformis (Blanckenhorn, 1902)
Occurrence: McMicken, Corryville, Richmond
Reference: Osgood, 1970
Formerly known as Corophiodes luniformis
Gently rounded, non-expanded base