UGA Stratigraphy Lab

The data is in the strata


Specimen Photo

Palaeophycus sp.
SMH Collection

Palaeophycus is a lined burrow, filled with sediments essentially identical to surrounding sediments. It is distinguished from Planolites another unbranching burrow, which is not lined and is filled with sediment distinctly different from surrounding sediment.


Palaeophycus sp.
Reference: Osgood, 1970
May include P. tubulare Hall, P. rugosum Hall, and P. simplex Hall

Palaeophycus type-A
Occurrence: Corryville
Reference: Osgood, 1970
Annulate tunnels

Palaeophycus type-B
Occurrence: Mount Hope, Corryville
Reference: Osgood, 1970
Longitudinally striated, as well as annulated

Palaeophycus type-C
Occurrence: Eden
Reference: Osgood, 1970
Most common and nondescript type; lacks fine sculpture; common in calcarenites

Palaeophycus flexuosum James
Occurrence: Fulton, Economy, Southgate, McMicken
Reference: Osgood, 1970
Note that this "trace" is interpreted to be of inorganic origin