UGA Stratigraphy Lab

The data is in the strata


Specimen Photo Specimen Photo

Amplexopora sp. in longitudinal (left) and tangential (right) sections. Field of view is 1.0 mm. SMH collection.

Amplexopora can be ramose, frondose, encrusting, or massive, and it typically has well-developed monticules. Styles are abundant. Some are located in zooecial corners and extend throughout exozone. Others are located along zooecial walls and extend only partly through exozone; these often inflect zooecial walls into irregular petaloid shapes. Generally with few or no mesozooids. Some species with zooecial linings. Cystoidal diaphragms and cystiphragms common in many species.


Amplexopora ampla Ulrich and Bassler, 1904
Occurrence: Fairmount
Reference: Dalvé, 1948; Boardman, 1960

Amplexopora cingulata Ulrich, 1882
Occurrence: Fairmount
Reference: Dalvé, 1948; Boardman, 1960; Singh, 1979; Cuffey in Davis and Cuffey, 1998 (mention)
Ramose growth form

Amplexopora discoidea (Nicholson, 1871)
Occurrence: Fairmount
Reference: Bassler, 1906; Dalvé, 1948
Originally named Chaetetes discoideus, also called Monticulipora (Monotrypa) discoidea
Not listed in Boardman (1960). Discoid growth habit, lacks mesopores, has numerous acanthopores and diaphragms.

Amplexopora filiasa (d'Orbigny, 1850)
Occurrence: Fairmount, Bellevue, Corryville, Mount Auburn, Arnheim, Waynesville
Reference: Bassler, 1906; Singh, 1979; Brown and Daly, 1985; Cuffey in Davis and Cuffey, 1998 (mention)
Originally named Monticulipora filiasa, also called Leptotrypa filiosa. Sometimes spelled A. filiosa. Includes Monticulipora subcylindrica
Not listed in Boardman (1960)
Massive growth form, with monticules (usually low and rounded, but can be sharply pointed), thin-walled polygonal zooecia, acanthopores, and lack of mesopores.

Amplexopora granulosa Cumings and Galloway
Occurrence: Liberty
Reference: Dalvé, 1948
Not listed in Boardman (1960)

Amplexopora parva Utgaard and Perry, 1964
Occurrence: Grant Lake
Reference: Utgaard and Perry, 1964; Cuffey in Davis and Cuffey, 1998 (mention)
Ramose growth form

Amplexopora persimilis Nickles, 1905
Occurrence: Clays Ferry, Fulton, Southgate
Reference: Boardman, 1960; Karklins, 1984

Amplexopora petasiformis (Nicholson, 1881)
Occurrence: Southgate, McMicken
Reference: Dalvé, 1948
Originally named Monticulipora (Monotrypa) petasiformis
Not listed in Boardman (1960)

Amplexopora pumila Cumings and Galloway
Occurrence: Liberty
Reference: Dalvé, 1948
Not listed in Boardman (1960)

Amplexopora pustulosa Ulrich, 1890
Occurrence: Arnheim, Waynesville
Reference: Dalvé, 1948; Boardman, 1960

Amplexopora robusta Ulrich, 1883
Occurrence: Bellevue, Arnheim
Reference: Dalvé, 1948; Boardman, 1960; Singh, 1979
Ramose growth form

Amplexopora septosa (Ulrich, 1879)
Occurrence: Southgate, McMicken, Mount Hope, Fairmount
Reference: Boardman, 1960; Anstey and Perry, 1972; Brown and Daly, 1985; Anstey and Wilson, 1996
Originally named Atactopora septosa. Includes Amplexopora multispinosa
Ramose growth form

Amplexpora variabile (Ulrich, 1890)
Occurrence: Waynesville, Whitewater
Reference: Utgaard and Perry, 1964; Dalvé, 1948; Boardman, 1960; Schumacher et al. in Davis and Cuffey, 1998 (mention)
Sometimes misspelled as A. variable
Ramose growth form

Amplexopora welchi (James, 1882)
Occurrence: McMicken
Reference: Bassler, 1906; Dalvé, 1948
Originally named Monticulipora (Monotrypa) welchi; also called Amplexopora petasiformis-welchi
Not listed in Boardman (1960). Like A. petasiformis, but is ramose to subramose, rather than hat-shaped.

Amplexopora winchelli Ulrich, 1886
Occurrence: Grant Lake
Reference: Cuffey in Davis and Cuffey, 1998 (mention)