UGA Stratigraphy Lab

The data is in the strata


Specimen Photo Specimen Photo

Batostomella sp. in longitudinal (left) and tangential (right) sections. Field of view is 1.0 mm. SMH collection.

Batostomella is ramose and branches at narrow angles. Zooarial surface is smooth, owing to small zooecial openings and thick walls. Large zooecia present in center of endozone, with distinct narrowing of zooecia in outer endozone. Zooecial walls progressively thicken towards surface, with rare diaphgragms within zooecia. Zooecial openings aligned longitudinally in rows, and rarely obliquely. Mesozooids rare to abundant, initiated near bend at base of exozone and commonly terminating before colony surface. Styles vary from rare to abundant, with minute lumen.


Batostomella delicatula (Nicholson, 1874)
Occurrence: Saluda
Reference: Utgaard and Perry, 1964; Hattin and Cuffey in Davis and Cuffey, 1998 (mention)
Originally named as Chaetetes delicatulus. Also called Bythopora delicatula, Monticulipora delicatula. Includes Chaetetes minutus James, 1879.

Batostomella gracilis (Nicholson, 1871)
Occurrence: Fairmount, Bellevue, Corryville, Mount Auburn, Arnheim
Reference: Bassler, 1906; Utgaard and Perry, 1964; Singh, 1979; Brown and Daly, 1985; Schumacher et al. in Davis and Cuffey, 1998 (mention)
Originally named Chaetetes gracilis; Also previously known as Monticulipora (Heterotrypa) gracilis, Bythopora gracilis, Homotrypella gracilis, Bythopora meeki, Homotrypella meeki.