UGA Stratigraphy Lab

The data is in the strata


Specimen Photo Specimen Photo

Homotrypa sp. in longitudinal (left) and tangential (right) sections. Field of view is 1.0 mm. SMH collection.

Homotrypa is a ramose to frondose form characterized by cystiphragms, which typically form overlapping series, such as in H. alta, H. cincinnatiensis, H. curvata, H. flabellaris, H. grandis, H. obliqua, H. pulchra, H. ramulosa, H. richmondensis, and H. wortheni.

In several species, the cystiphragms are isolated and form incomplete hooks, including H. austini, H. communis, H. cylindrica, H. dawsoni, H. libana, H. wortheni, H. nodulosa, and H. richmondensis. Of these, H. austini, H. communis, H. nodulosa, and H. richmondensis typically lack diaphragms and have considerably more incomplete than complete cystiphragms, suggesting to Utgaard and Perry (1964) that they might be better placed in the genus Gortanipora, which possesses only incomplete hooklike cystiphragms.


Homotrypa alta Cumings and Galloway, 1915
Occurrence: Mount Hope, Fairmount, Whitewater
Reference: Brown and Daly, 1985; Schumacher et al. in Davis and Cuffey, 1998 (mention)
Includes Homotrypa spinea

Homotrypa cincinnatiensis Bassler, 1903
Occurrence: Mount Hope, Fairmount, Whitewater
Reference: Brown and Daly, 1985; Schumacher et al. in Davis and Cuffey, 1998 (mention)

Homotrypa communis Bassler, 1903
Occurrence: Waynesville, Liberty, Whitewater, Saluda
Reference: Utgaard and Perry, 1964; Brown and Daly, 1985; Schumacher et al. in Davis and Cuffey, 1998 (mention)
Includes Homotrypa austini Bassler, 1903

Homotrypa cf. H. creditensis Dyer, 1925
Occurrence: Dillsboro
Reference: Brown and Daly, 1985; Schumacher et al. in Davis and Cuffey, 1998 (mention)

Homotrypa cressmani Karklins, 1984
Occurrence: Clays Ferry
Reference: Karklins, 1984

Homotrypa curvata Ulrich, 1882
Occurrence: Southgate, Fairmount, Bellevue, Corryville
Reference: Singh, 1979; Brown and Daly, 1985
Also called Monticulipora curvata

Homotrypa cylindrica Bassler, 1903
Occurrence: Whitewater
Reference: Utgaard and Perry, 1964; Dalvé, 1948; Schumacher et al. in Davis and Cuffey, 1998 (mention)

Homotrypa dawsoni (Nicholson, 1881)
Occurrence: Waynesville
Reference: Dalvé, 1948
Originally named Monticulipora (Heterotrypa) dawsoni

Homotrypa dumosa Bassler, 1903
Occurrence: Fairmount
Reference: Dalvé, 1948

Homotrypa flabellaris Ulrich, 1890
Occurrence: Fairmount, Arnheim, Waynesville, Liberty, Whitewater, Elkhorn
Reference: Utgaard and Perry, 1964; Brown and Daly, 1985; Cuffey in Davis and Cuffey, 1998 (mention)
Also called Monticulipora flabellaris

Homotrypa glabra Cumings and Galloway
Occurrence: McMicken
Reference: Dalvé, 1948

Homotrypa grandis Bassler, 1903
Occurrence: Dillsboro
Reference: Brown and Daly, 1985; Cuffey in Davis and Cuffey, 1998 (mention)

Homotrypa libana Bassler, 1903
Occurrence: Arnheim
Reference: Dalvé, 1948

Homotrypa nicklesi Bassler, 1903
Occurrence: Arnheim, Waynesville, Liberty
Reference: Dalvé, 1948

Homotrypa nodulosa Bassler, 1903
Occurrence: Waynesville, Liberty, Whitewater, Saluda
Reference: Utgaard and Perry, 1964; Brown and Daly, 1985; Cuffey in Davis and Cuffey, 1998 (mention)

Homotrypa obliqua Ulrich, 1882
Occurrence: McMicken, Fairmount, Bellevue, Corryville
Reference: Singh, 1979; Brown and Daly, 1985

Homotrypa pulchra Bassler, 1903
Occurrence: Corryville, Mount Auburn, Arnheim
Reference: Brown and Daly, 1985

Homotrypa ramulosa Bassler, 1903
Occurrence: Whitewater
Reference: Utgaard and Perry, 1964; Dalvé, 1948; Schumacher et al. in Davis and Cuffey, 1998 (mention, as H. nitida Bassler, 1903)
Includes H. nitida Bassler, 1903

Homotrypa richmondensis Bassler, 1903
Occurrence: Whitewater
Reference: Utgaard and Perry, 1964; Dalvé, 1948; Schumacher et al. in Davis and Cuffey, 1998 (mention)

Homotrypa sp.
Occurrence: Fulton
Reference: Dalvé, 1948

Homotrypa wortheni (James, 1882)
Occurrence: Whitewater, Elkhorn
Reference: Bassler, 1906; Dalvé, 1948; Schumacher et al. in Davis and Cuffey, 1998 (mention)
Originally named Monticulipora (Monotrypa) wortheni; includes subspecies H. wortheni prominens
Has sharply tuberculated branches.