UGA Stratigraphy Lab

The data is in the strata


Specimen Photo Specimen Photo

Monticulipora sp. in longitudinal (left) and tangential (right) sections. Field of view is 1.0 mm. SMH collection.

Specimen Photo Specimen Photo

Monticulipora sp. in longitudinal (left) and tangential (right) sections. Field of view is 1.0 mm. SMH collection.

Monticulipora can have a wide range of colony morphologies, including encrusting, hemispherical, massive, frondose, and ramose. Monticules are typically present and are conical to elongated, and they typically have clusters of styles and mesozooids. Zooecia contain both diaphragms and cystiphragms, with cystiphragms in both endozone and exozone. Cystiphragms are typically radially arranged around monticules, on the sides of zooecia closest to monticules, rather than on the far side of the monticule as in Prasopora (this is most easily seen in tangential section). Styles are generally short and limited to thick-walled regions, but may be rare or absent in some species. Mesozooids may be common to absent.


Monticulipora cincinnatiensis (James, 1875)
Occurrence: Corryville
Reference: Bassler, 1906; Dalvé, 1948
Originally named Chaetetes cincinnatiensis.
Loosely encrusting, strong and closely spaced monticules, numerous mesopores.

Monticulipora cleavelandi James, 1882
Occurrence: Whitewater
Reference: Bassler, 1906; Dalvé, 1948
Only ramose Monticulipora in the type Cincinnatian; lacks mesopores.

Monticulipora epidermata Ulrich and Bassler, 1904
Occurrence: Liberty, Whitewater, Saluda
Reference: Utgaard and Perry, 1964; Brown and Daly, 1985

Monticulipora laevis Ulrich, 1882
Occurrence: Whitewater
Reference: Dalvé, 1948

Monticulipora mammulata d'Orbigny, 1850
Occurrence: Fairmount, Bellevue
Reference: Singh, 1979; Brown and Daly, 1985

Monticulipora molesta Nicholson, 1881
Occurrence: Bellevue
Reference: Dalvé, 1948
Also called M. (Peronopora) molesta.

Monticulipora multipora Dyer, 1925
Occurrence: Whitewater
Reference: Utgaard and Perry, 1964

Monticulipora parasitica Ulrich, 1882
Occurrence: Whitewater
Reference: Utgaard and Perry, 1964; Dalvé, 1948