UGA Stratigraphy Lab

The data is in the strata


Specimen Photo Specimen Photo

Stigmatella sp. in longitudinal (left) and tangential (right) sections. Field of view is 1.0 mm. SMH collection.

Stigmatella may be encrusting, massive, or ramose, and typically has maculae composed of mesozooids. Zooecial walls are thin, but are thickened at regular intervals in the exozone. Diaphragms are thin and delicate. Mesozooids may or may not be present, and they are often confined to maculae. Styles, though always present, are small and typically developed in narrow zones where walls are thickened.


Stigmatella acanthera Brown and Daly, 1985
Occurrence: Dillsboro
Reference: Brown and Daly, 1985

Stigmatella alcicornis Cumings and Galloway
Occurrence: Fairmount
Reference: Dalvé, 1948

Stigmatella clavis (Ulrich, 1883)
Occurrence: Fulton, Economy, McMicken
Reference: Bassler, 1906; Anstey and Perry, 1972; Karklins, 1984
Commonly encrusts crinoid stems, with spinulose surface.

Stigmatella conica Brown, 1965
Occurrence: Dillsboro
Reference: Brown and Daly, 1985

Stigmatella crenulata Ulrich and Bassler
Occurrence: Arnheim, Waynesville
Reference: Brown and Daly, 1985 (mention)

Stigmatella dychei (James, 1882)
Occurrence: Arnheim
Reference: Bassler, 1906; Dalvé, 1948
Originally named Monticulipora (Monotrypa) dychei
Loosely encrusting, with thin-walled angular zooecia, a lack of mesopores, acanthopores in zones, and almost no diaphragms.

Stigmatella incrustans Cumings and Galloway
Occurrence: Liberty
Reference: Brown and Daly, 1985 (mention)

Stigmatella interporosa Ulrich and Bassler, 1904
Occurrence: Waynesville
Reference: Brown and Daly, 1985

Stigmatella irregularis (Ulrich)
Occurrence: Bellevue
Reference: Dalvé, 1948

Stigmatella nicklesi Ulrich and Bassler
Occurrence: Southgate, Fairmount
Reference: Dalvé, 1948

Stigmatella nana Ulrich and Bassler
Occurrence: Fulton, Economy
Reference: Dalvé, 1948

Stigmatella personata Ulrich and Bassler, 1904
Occurrence: Waynesville
Reference: Utgaard and Perry, 1964; Dalvé, 1948; Cuffey in Davis and Cuffey, 1998 (mention)

Stigmatella sessilis Cumings and Galloway, 1915
Occurrence: Fairmount
Reference: Brown and Daly, 1985

Stigmatella spinosa Ulrich and Bassler
Occurrence: Waynesville
Reference: Dalvé, 1948