UGA Stratigraphy Lab

The data is in the strata

Stratigraphic References

Lithostratigraphy | Depositional Environments | Meter-Scale Cycles | Sequence Stratigraphy


Caster, K.E., E.A. Dalvé, and J.K. Pope. 1955. Elementary Guide to the fossils and strata of the Ordovician in the vicinity of Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati Museum of Natural History, 47 p.

Weiss, M.P., and Norman, C.E., 1960, Development of stratigraphic classification of Ordovician rocks in the Cincinnati region, the American Upper Ordovician Standard, II: Ohio Geological Survey Information Circular, v. 26, p. 1–14.

Brown, G.D., Jr., and Lineback, J.A., 1966, Lithostratigraphy of the Cincinnatian Series (Upper Ordovician) in southeastern Indiana: Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, v. 50, p. 1018–1023.

Peck, J.H., 1966, Upper Ordovician formations in the Maysville area, Kentucky: USGS Bulletin 1244-B, 30 p.

Ford, J.P., 1967, Cincinnatian geology in southwest Hamilton County: Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, v. 51, p. 918–936.

Weir, G. W., W. L. Peterson, W. C. Swadley, and J. Pojeta. 1984. Lithostratigraphy of Upper Ordovician strata exposed in Kentucky. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 1151-E:1–121.

Tobin, R. C. 1986. An assessment of the lithostratigraphic and interpretive value of the traditional "biostratigraphy" of the type Upper Ordovician of North America. American Journal of Science 286:673–701.

Davis, R.A. 1992. Cincinnati fossils, an elementary guide to the Ordovician rocks and fossils of the Cincinnati, Ohio, region. Cincinnati Museum of Natural History, 61 p.

Schumacher, G.A., 1998. A new look at the Cincinnatian Series from a mapping perspective. In R.A. Davis and R.J. Cuffey, (eds.), Sampling the layer cake that isn't: the stratigraphy and paleontology of the type-Cincinnatian. Ohio Division of Geological Survey Guidebook No. 13, p. 111–119.

Brett, C. E., and T. J. Algeo. 1999. Stratigraphy of the Upper Ordovician Kope Formation in its type area (northern Kentucky), including a revised nomenclature. Pp. 47–64 in T. J. Algeo and C. E. Brett, ed. Sequence, cycle & event stratigraphy of Upper Ordovician & Silurian strata of the Cincinnati Arch region. 1999 Field conference of the Great Lakes Section of SEPM, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Depositional Environments

Hay, H. B., J. K. Pope, and R. C. Frey. 1981. Lithostratigraphy, cyclic sedimentation, and paleoecology of the Cincinnatian Series in southwestern Ohio and southeastern Indiana. Pp. 73–86 in T. G. Roberts, ed. GSA Cincinnati '81 field trip guidebooks, volume 1: stratigraphy, sedimentology. American Geological Institute, Falls Church, Virginia.

Tobin, R. C., and W. A. Pryor. 1981. Sedimentological interpretation of an Upper Ordovician carbonate-shale vertical sequence in northern Kentucky. Pp. 49–57 in T. G. Roberts, ed. GSA Cincinnati '81 Field Trip Guidebooks. Volume I: Stratigraphy, sedimentology. American Geological Institute, Falls Church, Virginia.

Weir, G. W., W. L. Peterson, W. C. Swadley, and J. Pojeta. 1984. Lithostratigraphy of Upper Ordovician strata exposed in Kentucky. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 1151-E:1–121.

Holland, S. M. 1993. Sequence stratigraphy of a carbonate-clastic ramp: The Cincinnatian Series (Upper Ordovician) in its type area. Geological Society of America Bulletin 105:306–322.

Pope, M. C., and J. F. Read. 1997. High-resolution surface and sufsurface sequence stratigraphy of late Middle to Upper Ordovician (late Mohawkian-Cincinnatian) foreland basin rocks, Kentucky and Virginia. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 81:1866–1893.

Meter-Scale Cycles

Jennette, D. C., and W. A. Pryor. 1993. Cyclic alternation of proximal and distal storm facies: Kope and Fairview Formations (Upper Ordovician), Ohio and Kentucky. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 63:183–203.

Holland, S. M., A. I. Miller, B. F. Dattilo, D. L. Meyer, and S. L. Diekmeyer. 1997. Cycle anatomy and variability in the storm-dominated type Cincinnatian (Upper Ordovician): coming to grips with cycle delineation and genesis. Journal of Geology 105:135–152.

Brett, C. E., and T. J. Algeo. 1999. Event beds and small-scale cycles in Edenian to lower Maysvillian strata (Upper Ordovician) of northern Kentucky: identification, origin, and temporal constraints. Pp. 65–92 in T. J. Algeo and C. E. Brett, ed. Sequence, cycle & event stratigraphy of Upper Ordovician & Silurian strata of the Cincinnati Arch region. 1999 Field Conference of the Great Lakes Section of SEPM, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Holland, S. M., A. I. Miller, and D. L. Meyer. 1999. Sequence stratigraphy of the Kope-Fairview interval (Upper Ordovician, Cincinnati, Ohio area). Pp. 93–102 in T. J. Algeo and C. E. Brett, ed. Sequence, cycle & event stratigraphy of Upper Ordovician & Silurian strata of the Cincinnati Arch region. 1999 field conference of the Great Lakes Section of SEPM, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Sequence Stratigraphy

Holland, S. M. 1993. Sequence stratigraphy of a carbonate-clastic ramp: The Cincinnatian Series (Upper Ordovician) in its type area. Geological Society of America Bulletin 105:306–322.

Holland, S. M., and M. E. Patzkowsky. 1996. Sequence stratigraphy and long-term paleoceanographic change in the Middle and Upper Ordovician of the eastern United States. Pp. 117–130 in B. J. Witzke, G. A. Ludvigsen and J. E. Day, ed. Paleozoic sequence stratigraphy: views from the North American craton. Geological Society of America Special Paper 306, Boulder.

Pope, M. C., and J. F. Read. 1997. High-resolution surface and sufsurface sequence stratigraphy of late Middle to Upper Ordovician (late Mohawkian-Cincinnatian) foreland basin rocks, Kentucky and Virginia. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 81:1866–1893.

Brett, C. E., and T. J. Algeo. 1999. Sequence stratigraphy of Upper Ordovician and Lower Silurian strata of the Cincinnati Arch region. Pp. 34–46 in T. J. Algeo and C. E. Brett, ed. Sequence, cycle & event stratigraphy of Upper Ordovician & Silurian strata of the Cincinnati Arch region. 1999 field conference of the Great Lakes Section of SEPM, Cincinnati, Ohio.