UGA Stratigraphy Lab

The data is in the strata

Favistella Labechia Stromatocerium Tetradium Megalograptus zone Lepadocystis moorei Calapoecia huronensis Columnaria alveolata Ischyrodonta decipiens Homotrypa wortheni prominens Bucania crassa Labechia Tetradium Constellaria polystomella Whitella umbonata Ceraurus miseneri Homotrypa beds Stromatocerium Tetradium Hebertella alveata Whitella oliquata Ischyrodonta elongata Charactoceras zone Turkey track layer Sowerbyella common Amphilichas harrisi Glyptorthis insculpta zones Isotelus zone Strophomena neglecta Byssonychia cultrata Anomalodonta gigantea 1st Glyptorthis insculpta zone Platystrophia clarksvillensis Sowerbyella rugosus clarksvillensis Modiolopsis concentrica Cyclonema conica Treptoceras duseri zone Abundant Flexicalymene meeki Strophomena nutans Homotrypa dawsoni Cyclora Ctenodonta Platystrophia ponderosa arnheimensis Retrorsirostra carleyi zone Platystrophia cypha Glyptocrinus zone Homotrypa bassleri Diplograptus zone Cyclonema inflatum Platystrophia ponderosa Resserella meeki Leptaena richmondensis Rhynchotrema dentatum Strophomena planumbona Protaraea Streptelasma Rhynchotrema capax Plaesiomys subquadrata Platystrophia acutilirata Platystrophia moritura Elkhorn Upper Whitewater Saluda Lower Whitewater Liberty Waynesville Oregonia Sunset Mount Auburn

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Caster, Dalvé, and Pope's Richmond chart

Source: Caster, Dalvé, and Pope, 1955