UGA Stratigraphy Lab

The data is in the strata

Sundance Seaway Stratigraphic References

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z


Ahlbrandt, T.S., and J.E. Fox. 1997. Middle Jurassic incised valley fill (eolian/ estuarine) and nearshore marine petroleum reservoirs, Powder River Basin. The Mountain Geologist 34:97–115.


Brenner, R.L, and D.K. Davies. 1973. Storm-generated coquinoid sandstone: Genesis of high-energy marine sediments from the Upper Jurassic of Wyoming and Montana. Geological Society of America Bulletin 84:1685–1698.

Brenner, R.L., and D.K. Davies. 1974. Oxfordian sedimentation in Western Interior United States. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 58:407–428.

Brenner, R.L., D.J.P. Swift, and G.C. Gaynor. 1985. Reevaluation of coquinoid sandstone depositional model, Upper Jurassic of central Wyoming and south-central Montana. Sedimentology 32:363–372.


Clement, A.C., and S.M. Holland. 2016. Sequence stratigraphic context of extensive evaporites: Middle Jurassic Gypsum Spring Formation, Wyoming, U.S.A. Journal of Sedimentary Research 86:965–981.


Danise, S., and S.M. Holland, 2018. A sequence stratigraphic framework for the Middle to Late Jurassic of the Sundance Seaway, Wyoming: implications for correlation, basin evolution, and climate change. Journal of Geology 126:371–405.

DeJarnette, M.L., and J.E. Utgaard. 1986. Facies and depositional environments of a mixed carbonate-clastic sequence in the Sundance Formation (Jurassic), northeastern Bighorn Basin, Montana and Wyoming: geology of the Beartooth Uplift and adjacent basins. Montana Geological Society and Yellowstone Bighorn Research Association Joint Field Conference and Symposium 1:27–31.


Fuentes, F., P.G. DeCelles, and G.E. Gehrels. 2009. Jurassic onset of foreland basin deposition in northwestern Montana, USA: Implications for along-strike synchroneity of Cordilleran orogenic activity. Geology 37:379–382.


Harris, J., and K. Lacovara. 2004. Enigmatic fossil footprints from the Sundance Formation (Upper Jurassic) of Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area, Wyoming. Ichnos 11:151–166.

Holland, S.M., and S. Danise. 2018. A sequence-stratigraphic appraisal of the lithostratigraphy of the Sundance Formation, Wyoming USA. Wyoming Geological Association Field Conference.


Imlay, R.W. 1944. Marine Jurassic of Black Hills area, South Dakota and Wyoming. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 31:227–273.

Imlay, R.W. 1948. Characteristic marine Jurassic fossils from the Western Interior of the United States. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 214-B:1–33.

Imlay, R.W. 1952. Correlation of the Jurassic formations of North America, exclusive of Canada. Geological Society of America Bulletin 63:953–992.

Imlay, R.W. 1967. Twin Creek Limestone (Jurassic) in the Western Interior of the United States. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 540:1–146.

Imlay, R.W. 1980. Jurassic paleobiogeography of the conterminous United States in its continental setting. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1062:1–139.

Imlay, R.W, L.S. Gardner, C.P. Rogers, and H.D. Hadley. 1948. Marine Jurassic formations of Montana. U.S.G.S. Oil and Gas Investigation Preliminary Chart 32.

Pipiringos, G.N, and R.W. Imlay. 1979. Lithology and subdivisions of the Jurassic Stump Formation in southeastern Idaho and adjoining areas. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1035-C:1–38.


Johnson, E.A. 1992. Depositional history of Jurassic rocks in the area of the Powder River Basin, northeastern Wyoming and southeastern Montana. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1917-J:1–38.


Kilibarda, Z., and D.B. Loope. 1997. Jurassic aeolian oolite on palaeohigh in the Sundance Sea, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. Sedimentology 44:391–404.

Kvale, E.P., G.D. Johnson, D.L. Mickelson, K. Keller, L.C. Furer, and A.W. Archer. 2001. Middle Jurassic (Bajocian and Bathonian) dinosaur megatracksites, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, U.S.A. Palaios 16:233–254.


Logue, T.J. 1977. Preliminary investigations of pterodactyl footprints at Alcova, Wyoming. Wyoming Geological Association, Earth Science Bulletin 10:29–30.


McMullen, S.K, S.M. Holland, and F.R. O'Keefe. 2014. The occurrence of vertebrate and invertebrate fossils in a sequence stratigraphic context: The Jurassic Sundance Formation, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, U.S.A. Palaios 29:277–294.


Parcell, W., and M. Williams. 2005. Mixed sediment deposition in a retro-arc foreland basin: Lower Ellis Group (M. Jurassic), Wyoming and Montana, U.S.A. Sedimentary Geology 177:175–194.

Pipiringos, G.N. 1968. Correlation and nomenclature of some Triassic and Jurassic rocks in south-central Wyoming. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 594-D:1–25.

Pipiringos, G.N., and R.B. O'Sullivan. 1978. Principal unconformities in Triassic and Jurassic rocks, Western Interior United States: a preliminary survey. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1035-A:1–29.


Rautman, C.A. 1978. Sedimentology of Late Jurassic barrier-island complex: lower Sundance Formation of Black Hills. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 62:2275–2289.


Schmude, D.E. 2000. Interplay of paleostructure, sedimentation and preservation of Middle Jurassic rocks, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. The Mountain Geologist 37:145–155.

Specht, R.W, and R.L. Brenner. 1979. Storm-wave genesis of bioclastic carbonates in Upper Jurassic epicontinental mudstones, east-central Wyoming. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 49:1307–1322.

Stone, R., and C. Vondra. 1972. Sediment dispersal patterns of oolitic calcarenite in the Sundance Formation (Jurassic), Wyoming. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 42:227–229.


Uhlir, D., A. Akers, and C. Vondra. 1988. Tidal inlet sequence, Sundance Formation (Upper Jurassic), north-central Wyoming. Sedimentology 35:739–752.


Wright, R.P. 1971. Marine Jurassic of Wyoming and South Dakota: Its Paleoenvironments and Paleobiogeography. University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology Papers on Paleontology 2:1–54.

Wright, R.P. 1973. Marine Jurassic of Wyoming and South Dakota: its paleoenviron- ments and paleobiogeography. University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology Papers on Paleontology 2:1–49.

Wright, R.P. 1974. Jurassic bivalves from Wyoming and South Dakota: A study of feeding relationships. Journal of Paleontology 48:425–433.

Wright, R.P. 1974. Storm-generated coquinoid sandstone: Genesis of high-energy marine sediments from the Upper Jurassic of Wyoming and Montana: Discussion and Reply. Geological Society of America Bulletin 85:837.