UGA Stratigraphy Lab

The data is in the strata



Cadoceras muelleri Imlay, 1953
Occurrence: Rierdon Formation (Gowericeras beds)
Reference: Imlay, 1953

Specimen Photo

Cadoceras muelleri
Photograph from Imlay, 1953

Cadoceras tetonense Imlay, 1953
Occurrence: Rierdon Formation (Arcticoceras beds and Gowericeras beds)
Reference: Imlay, 1953

Specimen Photo

Cadoceras tetonense
Photograph from Imlay, 1953

Specimen Photo

Cadoceras tetonense
Photograph from Imlay, 1953

Cadoceras piperense Imlay, 1953
Occurrence: Rierdon Formation; Sundance Formation, lower part; mainly in Gowericeras subitum zone, and associated with Arcticoceras
Reference: Imlay, 1953

Specimen Photo

Cadoceras piperense
Photograph from Imlay, 1953

Cadoceras sp.
Occurrence: “lower” Sundance (oolitic limestone, granular limestone, and claystone) at Lower Slide Lake
Reference: Imlay, 1967

Cadoceras? sp.
Occurrence: Leeds Creek Member of Twin Creek Limestone (at Cabin Creek, Wyoming)
Reference: Imlay, 1967