UGA Stratigraphy Lab

The data is in the strata

Cardioceras (Goliathiceras)


Several of these species were previously included in Goliathiceras (Goliathites)

Cardioceras (Goliathiceras) suspectum (Reeside, 1919)
Stout rounded whorls, with an umbilicus of intermediate width; ribbing is regular until a diameter of 120 mm, which gradually fades out at a diameter of 170 mm. Differs from C. (G.) hoveyi in its broader whorls, wider umbilicus, and much stronger and more persistent ribbing.
Occurrence: Redwater Shale of Wyoming
Reference: Imlay, 1982

Specimen Photo

Cardioceras (Goliathiceras) suspectum
Photograph from Imlay, 1982

Cardioceras (Goliathiceras) hoveyi Reeside, 1919
Very narrow umbilicus, short primary ribs, and stocky lobes. Has smaller umbilicus, is more laterally compressed, has much weaker primary ribs and fewer intercalated ribs, and its secondary ribs persist to a much larger shell diameter, compared with C. (G.) tumidum.
Occurrence: Redwater Shale of Wyoming and South Dakota, Stump Formation of northeast Utah
Originally named Quenstedticeras? suspectum
Reference: Imlay, 1982

Specimen Photo

Cardioceras (Goliathiceras) hoveyi
Photograph from Imlay, 1982

Cardioceras (Goliathiceras) tumidum Reeside, 1919
Has broad whorls, fine ribbing, swellings or elongate tubercles on its primary ribs, and markedly reduced strength of ribbing on larger septate whorls.
Occurrence: Redwater Shale of Wyoming and South Dakota, Swift Formation of Montana
Reference: Imlay, 1982

Specimen Photo

Cardioceras (Goliathiceras) tumidum
Photograph from Imlay, 1982

Cardioceras (Goliathiceras) subtumidum Reeside, 1919
Differs from C. (G.) tumidum by its sharper venter. Differs from C. (G.) hoveyi by its stouter form and sharper venter.
Occurrence: Redwater Shale of Wyoming
Reference: Imlay, 1982