UGA Stratigraphy Lab

The data is in the strata

Sundance Seaway Fossil References

Many stratigraphic references also contain information on fossils

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z


Black, M. 1929. Equisetites in position of growth in the Sundance Limestone. American Midland Naturalist 11:534–541.

Blake, D.B. 1981. The new Jurassic sea star genus Eokainaster and comments on life habits and the origins of the modern Asteroidea. Journal of Paleontology 55:33–46.

Blake, D.B. 1986. Some new post-Paleozoic sea stars (Asteroidea: Echinodermata) and comments on taxon endurance. Journal of Paleontology 60:1103–1119.

Blake, D.B., and T.E. Guensburg. 2016. An asteroid (Echinodermata) faunule from the Oxfordian Swift Formation (Upper Jurassic) of Montana. Journal of Paleontology 90:1160–1168.


Calloman, J.H. 1984. A review of the biostratigraphy of the post-lower Bajocian Jurassic ammonites of western and northern North America. in G.E.G. Westermann, ed., Jurassic-Cretaceous Biochronology and Paleogeography of North America. Geological Association of Canada, Special Paper 27:143–174.

Chute, D.J. 1993. The first record of ichthyosaurs in Utah. in B.J. Kowallis and K. Seely, eds. Brigham Young University Geology Studies 39:65–70.

Clark, W.B. 1915. The Mesozoic Echinodermata of the United States. United States Geological Survey Monograph 54:9–100.

Connely, M.V. 2006. Paleoecology of pterosaur tracks from the Upper Sundance and Lower Morrison Formations in central Wyoming. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 36:199–202.

Cooke, C.W. 1947. A new Jurassic Stomechinus from the Big Horn Basin, Wyoming. Journal of Paleontology 21:473–475.


Danise, S., and S.M. Holland, 2017. Faunal response to sea-level and climate change in a short-lived seaway: Jurassic of the western interior, U.S.A. Palaeontology 60:213–232.


Feldmann, R.M., and J.W. Haggart. 2008. A new species of lobster (Astacidea, Erymidae) from the Smithers Formation (Middle Jurassic) of British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Science 44:1791–1796.

Feldmann, R.M., and A.L. Titus. 2006. Eryma jungostrix n. sp. (Decapoda; Erymidae) from the Redwater Shale Member of the Stump Formation (Jurassic; Oxfordian) of Utah. Journal of Crustacean Biology 26:63–68.


Herrick, E.M., and F.R. Schram. 1978. Malacostracan crustacean fauna from the Sundance Formation (Jurassic) of Wyoming. American Museum Novitates 2652:1–12.

Hunt, D.B., P. Averitt, and R. Miller. 1953. Geography and geology of the Henry Mountains, Utah. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 228:1–234.

Hunter, A.W., and J.P. Zonneveld. 2008. Palaeoecology of Jurassic encrinites: reconstructing crinoid communities from the Western Interior Seaway of North America. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 263:58–70.


Imlay, R.W. 1948. Characteristic marine Jurassic fossils from the Western Interior of the United States. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 214-B:1–33.

Imlay, R.W. 1953. Callovian (Jurassic) ammonites from the United States and Alaska. Part 1. Western Interior United States. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 249-A:1–98.

Imlay, R.W. 1956. Marine Jurassic exposed in Bighorn Basin, Pryor Mountains, and northern Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming and Montana. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 40:562–599.

Imlay, R.W. 1962. Jurassic (Bathonian or Early Callovian) ammonites from Alaska and Montana. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 374-C: 1–57.

Imlay, R.W. 1964. Marine Jurassic pelecypods from central and southern Utah. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 483-C:1–42.

Imlay, R.W. 1967. Twin Creek Limestone (Jurassic) in the Western Interior of the United States. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 540:1–146.

Imlay, R.W. 1980. Jurassic paleobiogeography of the conterminous United States in its continental setting. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 1062:1–134.

Imlay, R.W. 1982. Jurassic (Oxfordian and late Callovian) ammonites from the Western Interior Region of the United States. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 1232:1–102.


Koch, D.L. 1962. Isocrinus from the Jurassic of Wyoming. Journal of Paleontology 36:1313–1318.


Loeblich, A.R., Jr., and H. Tappan. 1950a. North American Jurassic foraminifera: I. The type Redwater Shale (Oxfordian) of South Dakota. Journal of Paleontology 24:39–60.

Loeblich, A.R., Jr., and H. Tappan. 1950b. North American Jurassic foraminifera: II. Characteristic western interior Callovian species. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 40:1–19.

Love, J.D. 1958. Stratigraphy and fossils of marine Jurassic rocks along the southern margin of the Powder River Basin, Wyoming. Wyoming Geological Association 13th annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 64–71.


Marsh, O.C. 1891. Geological horizons as determined by vertebrate fossils. American Journal of Science 42:336–338.

Massare, J.A. 2004. Ichthyosaur diversity in the upper Sundance Formation (Jurassic, Oxfordian), Wyoming. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 24(3 supp.):90.

Massare, J.A., and S. Sperber. 1999. Taphonomy of an ichthyosaur from the Jurassic Sundance Formation. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 19(3 supp.):62.

Massare, J.A., E.A. Buchholtz, J. Kenney, and A.M. Chomat. 2006. Vertebral morphology of Ophthalmosaurus natans (Reptilia: Ichthyosauria) from the Jurassic Sundance Formation of central Wyoming. Paludicola 5:242–254.

Massare, J.A., W.R. Wahl, M. Ross, and M.V. Connely. 2013. Palaeoecology of the marine reptiles of the Redwater Shale Member of the Sundance Formation (Jurassic) of central Wyoming, USA. Geology Magazine 1:1–16.

Meek, F.B. 1860. Descriptions of new fossil remains collected in Nebraska and Utah, by the exploring expeditions under the command of Capt. J.H. Simpson, of U.S. Topographical Engineers. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Proceedings 12:308–315.

Miller, A.K. 1928. A new echinoid from the Sundance of west-central Wyoming. American Journal of Science 16:143–146.

Miller, A.K. 1929. Ancylocidaris, a new echinoid genus from the Sundance of west-central Wyoming. American Journal of Science 18:334–336.


O'Keefe, F.R., and H. Street. 2009. Osteology of the cryptocleidoid plesiosaur Tatenectes laramiensis, with comments on the taxonomic status of the Cimoliasauridae. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 29:48–57.

O'Keefe, F.R., and W. Wahl. 2003. Current taxonomic status of the plesiosaur Pantosaurus striatus from the Upper Jurassic Sundance Formation, Wyoming. Paludicola 4:37–46.

O’Keefe, F.R., H. Street, J. Cavigelli, J.J. Scoha, and R.D. O’Keefe. 2009. A plesiosaur containing an ichthyosaur embryo as stomach contents from the Sundance Formation of the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 29:1306–1310.

O’Keefe, F.R., H.P. Street, B.C. Wilhelm, C. Richards, and H. Zhu. 2011. A new skeleton of the cryptoclidid plesiosaur Tatenectes laramiensis reveals a novel body shape among plesiosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 31:330–339.


Palmer, C.P., D.W. Boyd, and E.L. Yochelson. 2004. The Wyoming Jurassic fossil Dentalium subquadratum Meek, 1860 is not a scaphopod but a serpulid worm tube. Rocky Mountain Geology 39:85–91.

Peterson, J.A. 1954. Jurassic ostracoda from the “Lower Sundance” and Rierdon Formations, Western Interior United States. Journal of Paleontology 28:153– 176.

Philip, G.M. 1963. A new regular echinoid from the Jurassic of Wyoming, U.S.A.. Journal of Paleontology 37:1110–1115.

Pipiringos, G.N. 1957. Stratigraphy of the Sundance, Nugget and Jelm formations in the Laramie Basin, Wyoming. Geological Survey of Wyoming Bulletin 47.


Schaeffer, B. and C. Patterson. 1985. Jurassic fishes from the western United States with comments on Jurassic fish distribution. American Museum Novitates 2796:1–86.

Schultze, H., and G. Enciso. 1983. Middle Jurassic age of the fish-bearing horizon in the CaƱon City Embayment, Colorado. Journal of Paleontology 57:1053–1060.

Sohl, N.F. 1965. Marine Jurassic gastropods, central and southern Utah. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 503-D: 1–48.

Stanley, Jr., G.D., and L. Beauvais. 1990. Middle Jurassic corals from the Wallowa Terrane, west-central Idaho. Journal of Paleontology 64:352–362.

Street, H.P., and F.R. O'Keefe. 2010. Evidence of pachystosis in the cryptocleidoid plesiosaur Tatenectes laramiensis from the Sundance Formation of Wyoming. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 30:279–1283.

Swain, F.M., and J.A. Peterson. 1951. Ostracoda from the Redwater Shale member of the Sundance formation at the type locality in South Dakota. Journal of Paleontology 25:796–807.

Swain, F.M., and J.A. Peterson. 1952. Ostracodes from the upper part of the Sundance Formation of South Dakota, Wyoming and Southern Montana. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 243-A:1–31.


Tang, C.M., D.J. Bottjer, and M.S. Simms. 2000. Stalked crinoids from a Jurassic tidal deposit in western North America. Lethaia 33:56–54.


Wahl, W.R. 1998. Plesiosaur gastric contents from the upper Redwater Shale (lower Oxfordian) of the Sundance Formation (Jurassic) of Wyoming. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 18(3 supp.):84.

Wahl, W.R. 2008. Decapod material associated with ichthyosaur remains from the Sundance Formation of Natrona County, Wyoming. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program 40:41.

Wahl, W.R. 2009. Taphonomy of a nose dive: bone and tooth displacement and mineral accretion in an ichthyosaur skull. Paludicola 7:107–116.

Wahl, W.R., M. Ross, and J.A. Massare. 2007. Rediscovery of Wilbur Knight’s Megalneusaurus rex site: new material from an old pit. Paludicola 6:94–104.

Wahl, W.R., J.A. Massare, and M. Ross. 2010. New material from the type specimen of Megalneusaurus rex (Reptilia: Sauropterygia) from the Jurassic Sundance Formation, Wyoming. Paludicola 7:170–180.

Wahl, W.R. 2005. A hybodont shark from the Redwater Shale Member, Sundance Formation (Jurassic), Natrona County, Wyoming. Paludicola 5:15–19.

Wahl, W.R., J.A. Massare, and M. Ross. 2010. New material from the type specimen of Megalneusaurus rex (Reptilia: Sauropterygia) from the Jurassic Sundance Formation, Wyoming. Paludicola 7:170–180.

Wilhelm, B.C., and F.R. O'Keefe. 2010. A new partial skeleton of a cryptocleidoid plesiosaur from the Upper Jurassic Sundance Formation. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 30:1736–1742.

Wright, R.P. 1971. Marine Jurassic of Wyoming and South Dakota: Its paleoenvironments and paleobiogeography. University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology Papers on Paleontology 2:1–54.

Wright, R.P. 1973. Marine Jurassic of Wyoming and South Dakota: Its paleoenvironments and paleobiogeography. University of Michigan Papers on Paleontology 2:1–49.

Wright, R.P. 1974. Jurassic bivalves from Wyoming and South Dakota: a study of feeding relationships. Journal of Paleontology 48:425–433.