2024 Stratigraphic Paleobiology Field Conference
- Holland and Patzkowsky (2015): Holland, S.M., and M.E. Patzkowsky. 2015. The stratigraphy of mass extinction. Palaeontology 60:213–232.
- Holland and Loughney (2021): Holland, S.M., and K.M. Loughney. 2021. The stratigraphic paleobiology of nonmarine systems. Cambridge Elements of Paleontology, Cambridge University Press, 79 p.
- Rogers and Brady (2010): Rogers, R.R., and M.E. Brady. 2010. Origins of microfossil bonebeds: insights from the Upper Cretaceous Judith River Formation of north-central Montana. Paleobiology 36:80–112.
- Rogers et al. (2016): Rogers, R.R., S.M. Kidwell, A.L. Deino, J.P. Mitchell, K. Nelson, and J.T. Thole. 2016. Age, correlation, and lithostratigraphic revision of the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Judith River Formation in its type area (north–central Montana), with a comparison of low- and high-accommodation alluvial records. Journal of Geology 124:99–135.
- Rogers et al. (2023): Rogers, R.R., D.A. Eberth, and J. Ramezani. 2023. The “Judith River–Belly River problem” revisited (Montana–Alberta–Saskatchewan): new perspectives on the correlation of Campanian dinosaur-bearing strata based on a revised stratigraphic model updated with CA-ID-TIMS U–Pb geochronology. GSA Bulletin 136:1221–1237.
These tutorials and additional lecture notes are also available at GEOL 8370: Data Analysis in the Geosciences.
- A Short R Tutorial
- Cluster analysis
- Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA)
- Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMS)
- Principal component analysis (PCA)
- Species response curves
Data sets
Upper Ordovician of Kentucky: Holland and Patzkowsky (2004)
- readme.md: data set description
- KentuckyCounts.txt: species count data set
- KentuckySampleProperties.txt: sample properties data
- KentuckyTaxonProperties.txt: taxon properties
- Holland and Patzkowsky (2004): Palaios paper that analyzes these data. Holland, S.M., and M.E. Patzkowsky. 2004. Ecosystem structure and stability: middle Upper Ordovician of central Kentucky, USA. Palaios 19:316–331.
Madison Group: Garett Brown (2020, 2021)
- readme.md: data set description
- garettBrownCounts.csv: complete data set containing sample metadata, petrographic point count data, and species count data
- Brown (2021): Palaios paper that analyzes these data. Brown, G.M. 2021. Lithological and paleocommunity variation on a Mississippian (Tournaisian) carbonate ramp, Montana, USA. Palaios 36:95–114.
Madison Group: SPFC 2014
- readme.md: data set description
- lodgepoleCounts3.csv: complete species count data set
- lodgepoleSampleProperties3.csv: sample properties data set
- lodgepole.R: R commands used to analyze this data set
Devonian‐Mississippian: SPFC 2017
- readme.md: data set description
- MilliganCyn2017.csv: complete species count data set with three columns of sample metadata
- millcoarse.csv: taxonomically coarsened data set, lacking sample metadata
Madison Group: SPFC 2024
- readme.md: data set description
- counts2024.csv: complete species count data set
- sampleProperties2024.csv: sample properties data set
- analyses.R: R commands used to analyze this data set with cluster analysis and detrended correspondence analysis
- clusterDots.R: R helper functions for adding color dots to a cluster analysis, such as to code for facies
- SMHCull.R: R helper functions used to cull a census data set to ensure minimum diversity in samples and minimum number of occurrences of species among samples
- MilliganCanyon.zip: zip file containing the litho and faunal logs for the composite column at Milligan Canyon
- SappingtonEast.zip: zip file containing the litho and faunal logs for the composite column at Sappington East